Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting Grand Valley Bikes and the 2035 regional transportation planning process ! We had a great weekend of events,rocked out to Stray Grass, rode with some old friends and made some new friends. Now the vigilence begins as we stay involved in the planning process and wait for the reports and implementation. Please stay tuned to Grand Valley Bikes for updates and more information. Also, see this link to News Channel 11 TV coverage:


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Please take this survey!!!

We need to make sure the bicyclist voice is heard loud and clear in the regional planning process. Please go to this online survey that is hosted by the Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee. You can also visit the 2035 plan website here.

New U.S. DOT cyclist policy- Contact the Governor!

Click here to see an article posted on Grist.org. Ray LaHood (Transportation Secretary) climbed on a table and told bike advocates that the almighty car would no longer be raised above bikes in planning. Yay!!!

You can contact Governor Ritter to ask him to support this new policy by clicking here. The link will take you to the League of American Bicyclists Advocacy Center.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Online survey

This is an online survey for the Mesa County Transportation Plan meetings this week. Whether you were able to make it to any of the planning meetings this week or not, the survey is online. I hear it requires thought and some time. Its a great way for us to be heard in this process. Click on the title of the post to be directed to the survey.

Also, the website for the plan:

Monday, January 11, 2010

LA Road Rage driver gets 5 years in prison ! See the link for the entire article:


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bicycle commuting and obesity

The link below is to a magazine that has a regular feature they call transparencies that are basically interesting graphical representations of data. This one is on the percent of commutes by foot and by bike with the percentage of the population that is "obese". They have done it by country. Click on "launch infographic" in the bottom right. Enjoy!


Monday, November 16, 2009